
Updated: October 2024

confirmation title

"Accipe signaculum doni Spiritus Sancti"

[Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit]

(CCC 1300; Cf. Paul VI, apostolic constitution, Divinae consortium naturae, 663).


See the detailed timeline at the end of the following narrative.

Confirmation Interviews with Father Pokorsky will be held August 30th and September 6th.  Below is the signup link.
Sponsor Interview Details - Due on 8/31/2025
Sponsor Eligibility Forms should also be in the process of being completed, verified, and submitted by the sponsor's parish office. These forms take some time to be submitted to us and must be on file before the confirmation mass. 

Confirmation Rehearsal will be Thursday, September 11th in Parish Hall from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.  Both Confirmandi and their Sponsors are to attend.


The Fall Mass of Confirmation is Monday, September 15th at 7:00pm


Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, Archbishiop for the Military Services, USA will be the confirming prelate.

Sacrament Preparation:

Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation in the St. Catherine of Siena Religious Education program occurs over the course of all eight elementary years. Students are required to attend classes for at least the seventh and eighth-grade years prior to Confirmation. Students must show mastery of material taught through the 6th-grade curriculum before eligibility to enter into the 7th-grade program. Students at St. Catherine of Siena parish are typically confirmed in the fall of the 9th-grade year.

If a student receives ongoing catechesis in a Catholic school program, Confirmation may occur in the fall of the 8th or the 9th-grade year.

If your child has missed a sacrament, please contact us. We are happy to accommodate him or her, according to individual needs.  If one or both parents have not received a sacrament or would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith, we are happy to help, also.

Confirmation Requirements:

Students enrolled in the religious education program who will enter high school in the fall of 2023 and have completed their formal (7th and 8th grade) catechesis are candidates for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation in the fall of that year.

Students enrolled in a Catholic school entering either 8th or 9th grade in the fall of 2025 are candidates for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation in the fall of that year.

Required Confirmation Paperwork:

If paperwork is not received by the very firm due date, Confirmation will be delayed until the following fall.

 Required Confirmation paperwork due for all candidates (will not be accepted past the due date):

  1. Confirmation Data Form
  2. Baptismal Certificate 
  3. Confirmation Sponsor Form
  4. Confirmation Sponsor Interview Form
  5. Confirmation Sponsor Eligibility Certificate

 Requirements for Confirmation usually completed in the 7th Grade Year:

  • (Practice) cumulative exam based on basic Catholic catechism to be given in the spring of both the 7th and 8th-grade years.
  • A summer service project based on the Works of Mercy, with a one-paragraph written summary statement (to be completed in the summers following the 7th and 8th-grade years). Paragraphs are emailed to the Director of Religious Education in September. Diocesan guidelines suggest that at least 20 hours of service should be performed altogether.
  • Attendance at the Mass of Confirmation at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church (at the beginning of the seventh or eighth-grade year), and help with hosting the reception held immediately afterward. The Confirmation candidate's own Confirmation Mass should not be the first one witnessed. If a Confirmation student is unable to attend this Confirmation Mass, the requirement must be fulfilled at another parish.

Requirements for Confirmation usually completed in the 8th Grade Year:

  • Mastery of material (prior to Confirmation) on a cumulative exam based on basic Catholic catechism to be given in the spring of both the 7th and 8th-grade years. Eighth-grade students who do not show mastery of material should study further and re-take the exam over the summer, prior to the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
  • Summer service project based on the Works of Mercy, with a written summary statement (both in the summers following the 7th and 8th-grade years), due in September to be sent electronically to the Director of Religious Education. Diocesan guidelines suggest that at least 20 hours of service should be performed altogether.
  • Interview with Confirmation sponsor and report write-up due at the first Confirmation seminar class.  Details here.
  • Scheduled individual interview with Father Pokorsky (Interviews will be scheduled in August and September 2025)
  • Attendance by confirmandi and sponsor (or someone taking the place of the sponsor) at a rehearsal on September 4, 2025

Detailed timeline:  Confirmation registration and paperwork deadlines

The use of "courtesy" refers to your attitude in assisting CCD office personnel in processing the necessary paperwork.  The absolute deadlines are important -- on Father Pokorsky's part -- to express his courtesy to the administrative staff.

March 1:  Courtesy registration deadline Confirmation in the fall of 2025: Fill out the Confirmation data form: 

Begin to process Sponsor data form:

Saturday, April 26, 2025 at 9:00am - Administration of Confirmation test (see study guide:

April 29, 2025:  Patron Saint Report due in CCD office (by email or by hard-copy)

May 17: Absolute registration deadline Confirmation in the fall of 2024: Fill out the Confirmation data form: 

Begin to process Sponsor data form:

September 1, 2025: Confirmation Sponsor Eligibility Certificate due.  Please note: These forms take time to complete because they must be signed by the sponsor's Parish Priest and returned to the Religious Education Office. Confirmation Sponsor Eligibility Certificate.

September 5, 2025: Absolute deadline (two weeks before Confirmation and very tight for administrative purposes) for Sponsor data form. (Miss this date and your son or daughter will be Confirmed next year.) 






Sacramental Schedule

The Church typically opens by 7:30 a.m. and closes around 7 p.m.  But times may vary because of variations in the Pastor's schedule and the occasional inability to obtain help in locking the church at night.

The Confession Schedule continues

Sacrament of Penance:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 7:45 am – 8:15 am (No Confessions on Holy Days and civil holidays)
Saturday afternoon: 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Expanded schedule for Advent and Lent
All Day Eucharistic Adoration
Every Wednesday: 1 pm through Thursday morning, 8:30 am
Every First Friday: 9 am through Saturday morning, 8:30 am

Mass Schedule:
8 am 10 am 12 Noon*
*Novus Ordo Latin Mass

Saturday: 8:30 am & 5:30 pm Vigil Mass

Weekdays: 8:30 am, (Wednesdays: 12:15 pm)

Holydays (except Christmas):
8:30 am & 7 pm

Although the regular weekday Mass schedule is solidly in place, since this is a one-priest parish, there may be times when Mass cancellations are necessary.  Please register here if you attend weekday Masses and want to receive cancellation notifications and other updates as opportune.  We will not abuse your contact information.  Click here

 (Note: After clicking the weekday Mass registration link above, please scroll to the bottom right of the page and replace the "0" with a "1" to proceed.)

Contact Us

Rev. Jerry J. Pokorsky
Direct Line to Pastor 703.759.3520
No text messages please; contact the office for administrative questions.

Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:30 am to 1:30 pm 
Closed on Federal Holidays

Saint Catherine of Siena Church
1020 Springvale Road
Great Falls, VA 22066
Have a question? Have a comment? Please contact us!
Phone: 703.759.4350
Fax: 703.759.3753


For Parish Registration, click the following link:

Interested in Catholic Inquiry Classes (for non-Catholics or Catholics interested in deepening their understanding of the Faith)?  Click here.



St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church

1020 Springvale Rd., Great Falls, VA 22066

Parish Office: 703.759.4350
Fax: 703.759.3753
Religious Education: 703.759.3530
Siena Academy: 703.759.4129